In 1920, he opened his own Groton, CT. factory and in 1922 he
called David L.Day from Vega company for his partner.
Since then the banjos co-designed by the two had B&D name but
the company name never was B&D, it always was Bacon Banjo co.
In the golden era of the banjos, most major banjo makers made
only4 string banjos and the 5 string banjos especially higher
grede models were scarece or never made. But since Mr.Bacon
was a 5 string player, though still rare, higher grade 5string
Silver Bells can be found time to time.
Bacon Special Grand Concert
B&D Silver Bell #4 Original 5string
B&D Silver Bell #6 Ne Plus Ultra 5string
B&D Silver Bell #2 Original 5string
Bacon Banjo Ukulele No.1