今月のカメラ-Cameras of the month

Bolta sized TLR on the end of the year

There were several Bolta sized TLRs in the post war period.
The Meikaiflex('48) may be the one of the oldest of this kind.
It is of wood construction. This then had been modified to
metal construction and the name changed to the Museflex.
Tougodo kept manufacturing of this series well into the '50s.
The Museflex IIa was the last and the best of the series.
There were some other TLRs of somewhat odd design like the
Symbolflex, Flash Tanzar, several models of Hobix and some more.

Here is the Museflex IIa user's manual.
Does anyone know who this baseball player is?


The new year starts with the Alpas

Odd ball item of the Month

Cameras of the past months.

11月のカメラ November: Mycro sized cameras
10月のカメラ October: Topcon rangefinders
夏のカメラ Summer: marine cameras
6月のカメラ June: Konilette
5月のカメラ May: Fujipet
4月のカメラ April: Bolta sized cameras
3月のカメラ March:Sub-miniatures
2月のカメラ February:Nikon rangefinders
1月のカメラ January:Gold cameras

ニコン距離計カメラ Nikon Rangefinder Cameras

ニコンF関係の物 Some interesting Nikon F related items

その他のニコンなもの Other Rare Nikon Items

珍品豆カメラ Rare miniature cameras
